Access to school
School address:
Avenue du Bourget 30
1130 Haren
Morning drop-off in the parent zone, between 08:10 and 08:25.
The parents' car park is accessible from 07:45.
Parent pick-up from the parent zone, between 15:15 and 15:35 (Wednesdays 12:45 to 13:05)
In the COVID-19 context, for sanitary reasons, it has been decided that parents are no longer allowed to enter the school premises. Parents and all adults should wear a mask in the authorized collection areas.
In the morning :
The deposit of children in the nursery cycle will be done through the small gate on the playground side. One parent accompanies the child until the outside door of the classroom and leaves school immediately through the indicated exit path.
Pupils in primary should be dropped off at the main gate. Children should line up on their designated spot (please check document called "Points de rassemblement"), where teachers collect them when the bell rings.
If, further to extreme weather conditions, children of P1 and P2 are allowed to enter the building instead of staying on the playground, parents are allowed to use the entrance used by the other nursery classes.
The pupils of the 1st and 2nd grade can go to their playground area using the small footpath at the right side of the building. The school building should not be entered.

In the afternoon :
Nursery children should be collected at the outside doors of nursery classrooms following this planning. After collecting their child(ren), parents should leave immediately the school premises following the indicated path.
Primary children's collection area is indicated by fences, in the playground in front of the primary building. Parents wait in this area while children are dropped off by the teachers.
Please note that on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday children leave the building as follows :
- P1 and P2 at 15.05
- P3, P4 and P5 at 15.20
On Wednesday :
- P1 and P2 at 12.40
- P3, P4 and P5 at 12.45
As parents, please try to be there on time in order to avoid traffic on the school's playground and leave as soon as you collect your child(ren) (please avoid gatherings and chatting with other parents).