European School Brussels II

    Multilingual and multicultural education at nursery, primary and secondary level.

    European School Brussels II

    Multilingual and multicultural education at nursery, primary and secondary level.

    European School Brussels II

    Multilingual and multicultural education at nursery, primary and secondary level.

    European School Brussels II

    Multilingual and multicultural education at nursery, primary and secondary level.

Latest news

A message from Mr Beckmann

Please find below a message from Mr. Beckmann, Secretary-General of the European Schools.

School photographer's visit

As a reminder, here are the dates of the school photographer's visit:

Collecting children

Depending on the activity or service your child is registered for at the end of the schoolday, the place or time at which you may collect them is different.

Welcome guide for new educational staff

The revised 2024 Welcome guide for new educational staff from the Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools is now available!

UPDATED - 2024-2025 book and material lists

Here is the information regarding the 2024-2025 book and material lists, with the link to order the sports outfit.

2024-2025 General information brochure

Our General Information 2024-2025 brochure is out!

Gala Concert 2024

Here are some pictures of the wonderful Gala Concert of 16 May. Congratulations to all talented performers!

Fashion Show 2024

Here are some pictures of the incredible Fashion Show of 17 May. Congratulations to our talented students!

EEB2's got talent!

With over 2000 students and 200 teachers in secondary school we tend to follow our own highway and seldom cross the path of people in other year group, section or floor. There are many talents in our school community, in this column we will share our discoveries and present some of our talented members. Open your eyes, you might cross their path in the future.

2024-2025 enrolments

The calendar and the policy regarding the 2024-2025 enrolment campaign are available: