Latest news
2025-2026 Enrolments
The enrolment calendar for the 2025/2026 school year has just been published on the European Schools' website. However, the document 'Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2025/2026 school year’ will only be available on the 3rd of January 2025.
Pupils who will leave the EEB2 at the end of the school year
The legal representatives of pupils who will leave our school at the end of the current school year (with the exception of pupils in S7), are kindly requested to inform the school as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to:
Children who are already attending the EEB2
Children who are already attending EEB2 in the 2024/2025 school year - regardless of their cycle - are automatically enrolled for the 2025/2026 school year. No new application for enrolment needs to be submitted.
EEB2 Repair Club
We are happy to announce that our recent workshop on Repair Cafés was a success! The event on 15 December was filled with excitement and learning as our students eagerly participated and gained valuable insights into the world of repair and sustainability.
Visit from Fabrizio Rongione
On Tuesday December 17, S6 students from the Complementary Dramatic Art course had the pleasure of meeting actor, producer and screenwriter Fabrizio Rongione (star of the film “Rosetta” - Palme d'Or at Cannes in 1999, as well as winner of the Magritte Award - Best Actor - in 2015).
EEB2's got talent!
With over 2000 students and 200 teachers in secondary school we tend to follow our own highway and seldom cross the path of people in other year group, section or floor. There are many talents in our school community, in this column we will share our discoveries and present some of our talented members. Open your eyes, you might cross their path in the future.
Gala evening - 50th anniversary
If you wish to register for the EEB2's 50th anniversary gala evening on 17 May, contact Some places have become available.
Collecting children
Reminder: as from the 4th of November, Woluwe parents who pick up their child from Zone B will have to show their badge.
Clear the bike lanes!
Mobility Week is more than ever an opportunity to remind motorists that parking on cycle paths puts cyclists at risk.