Native Language (Lithuanian) Olympiad

As every spring, this March, students from Lithuania and Lithuanian communities abroad were invited to participate in the Lithuanian Language Olympiad. Representing the Lithuanian section of our school were Sebastian Kisielius (S7 LTA) and Milda Šklenskaitė (S5 LTA).

This prestigious event brought together more than 150 students from Lithuania and beyond. Our entire Lithuanian section takes great pride in our laureates: Sebastian Kisielius secured 1st place (teacher: Audronė Anulienė) and Milda Šklenskaitė earned 3rd place (teacher: Aistė Zailskienė).

The Lithuanian philosopher Vydūnas once said:
"Language should be called the flag of a nation. It reflects the nation’s very blood and the life of its emotions, thoughts, and desires. One cannot understand a nation’s character without knowing its language. And there is no better way for a nation to express its heart, soul, and spirit than through its language.”

Living in a multicultural European environment, we learn from one another, listen to different languages, and celebrate this diversity.