Radio Europa Brussels II

Radio Europa Brussels II

Created in 2023-2024 on the initiative of the primary school, the school webradio "Radio Europa Brussels II" has developed over 140 podcasts in just a few months under the direction of Madame Marcellet. 

In primary schools, the reports are mainly produced and recorded during 'European Hours'.  In secondary schools, several teachers have used this teaching tool and the BRUMUN podcast, produced by two S4 students, already has 8 episodes to its credit. 

School web radio offers significant opportunities for work in all areas of learning, and in all languages. It is proving to be a powerful resource for stimulating language learning. 

The experience of working within a school web radio also offers a unique opportunity for pupils to develop citizenship and entrepreneurial skills. Indeed, radio broadcasting in a school environment involves real teamwork, with each student playing a specific role, whether as a columnist, journalist, reporter or technician. The success of this project therefore depends on the spirit of initiative and autonomy of each individual, encouraging the commitment and involvement of the participants.

Link to Radio Europa Bruxelles II: